Case study - Web content for Viewed

Updated: Feb 8

The challenge

Innovative Spanish startup Viewed had spent years building a strong customer base and sourcing funding. It had identified that its services best suited English-speaking markets and approached Contese agency for our website content writing services in native English.

The proposal

Viewed needed the website fully rewritten in English with a focus on SE. As a new and innovative technology, it was also really important that the service was clearly explained to marketing professionals.

Our initial website content focused on creating short, sharp paragraphs that would create a clean and clear user experience while highlighting the benefits of the service and success stories from key clients.

Once approved, we continued with the concise approach, focusing headers on showing the advantages of the service with clear instructions such as ‘Get more video views’.

The result

Our focus on in-depth SEO research combined with our clean, modern approach to the content helped Viewed reach new audiences. As a Spanish startup, it was imperative the website content was as impactful in English as in its native Spanish. Through our website content writing service, we developed the SEO strategy and content to appeal to international audiences, particularly the US and UK.

Reach new audiences online with quality website content.

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