Case study - Web content for Ikos Resorts

Updated: Feb 1

The Challenge

In recent years Ikos Resorts has expanded its brand with new resorts planned for exciting destinations across the Mediterranean. It was, therefore, time for a completely new website that better reflected its new branding and the element of Unconditional Luxury that makes Ikos so unique. It was a huge project, encompassing hundreds of pages to be created with laser-like precision to guide potential guests through the distinct elements of each Ikos Resort.

The Proposal

Based on our successful, long-term collaboration creating social media content and more for the brand, Ikos approached Contese about the travel website content for the new site. It was to be a challenging project, reflecting a new brand strategy, encompassing entirely new designs and to be completed on a short timeline so that the content could then be translated into multiple languages.

Led by experienced travel editor and travel website content creator Sarah Gordon, the Contese team focused on efficiency and time management and reflecting the Ikos brand's quality. For premium brands such as Ikos, often less is more, so the focus was on capturing the essence of the Ikos experience that guests could enjoy during their stay.

As luxury travel writers, we honed in on the details that made each experience truly luxurious, as well as helping guide readers through the differences at each resort. Travel website writing with such tight word and character counts can be challenging, but the team ensured every sentence worked hard for the brand, crafting elegant content that reflected the new brand direction and exquisite imagery.

The Result

The new Ikos Resorts website is due to launch in multiple languages, following the copywriting approach of the original content in English. Despite challenges faced with design changes, the Contese Agency team completed the project to the highest standards, ensuring that the new Ikos Resorts website is a worthy representation of a genuinely industry-defining brand.

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